Free Amazon Seller Tools

Easy to use Web Based Tools designed and created by Northwest Coast Digital for Amazon Sellers, PPC managers and more.

Break Even ACOS Calculator – The Free Break Even ACOS Calculator for Amazon sellers is a tool designed to help sellers determine the exact Advertising Cost of Sale (ACOS) percentage at which they neither make a profit nor incur a loss from advertising. This metric is crucial because it serves as an initial goal for sellers, ensuring that their advertising costs align perfectly with sales, thereby preventing losses on ads and amplifying organic sales on Amazon without affecting profitability.

Amazon Seller ASIN Extraction Tool – Save yourself the hassle with the Northwest Coast Digital ASIN extractor tool. Just copy any sort of text (even a URL) and it will automatically extract any 10 digits ASIN it finds for you!

Free Character Counter and Word Counter – A simple tool that counts characters so that you can create a proper Amazon title, bullet points or description without going over the maximum characters. Keep in mind, Amazon includes spaces in the count so the Northwest Coast Digital counts these as characters, setting it apart from other online char counters.

Ultimate Free Search Term Duplicate Removal Tool -Remove duplicate search terms from Amazon PPC search term reports. Simply copy and your customer search terms and we will return just the unique ones. Add these back in as Exact match campaigns and watch your ROAS increase!

Amazon Listing Keyword Checker – Paste your listing as well as your target competitor keywords and see which ones are missing from your Amazon Listing. Optimize your Amazon SEO within the A9 Search engine with this quick and easy tool.

Must Have Amazon Seller Tools

Product Research and Selection Tools
Helium 10 offers comprehensive and precise analytics tools that allow sellers to effectively research products, understand market trends, and identify profitable niches on platforms like Amazon. This makes it a must-have for product research because it streamlines the process of finding and validating product ideas, saving time and increasing the chances of success in a competitive online marketplace.

Amazon FBA Reimbursement – SellerBench is a service that specializes in Amazon FBA reimbursement, helping sellers identify and recover funds for issues like lost or damaged inventory, and overcharged fees. As an Amazon seller, utilizing SellerBench can be essential for maximizing profits and ensuring you’re not losing money due to logistical errors or overcharges by Amazon’s FBA service.